
Love Thy Coils!

Matlhodi’s Natural Hair Journey….

Posted by FroChic on 13/11/2009

Ok I’ve always been crazy about natural hair since my high school days….well let me rephrase that; from the 1st day I laid my eyes on a chick called Lauryn Hill. From her blow-dried fro on ‘Killing me softly video’ to her beautiful locks, she always left my jaw on the floor & confirmed to me that black natural hair is really beautiful. Did I mention her headgear and whoop earrings? Boy oh boy…dear miss Hill.


Back then I was in high school and natural hair was still frowned upon. Also the only way I thought  was possible for a black person to grow natural hair was through locking it. Dreadlocks were welcome; I remember my friend Tumi started hers while we were doing matric (Senior); while I still had my insecurities and kept relaxing my hair & cutting it into a cropped bob. Did I like the way I looked… the fact that I don’t have pictures to show should answer that question.

Then I went to tertiary after my matric…hello freedom!! When I got there (year 2002), I tried growing my hair long (with the creamy crack of course) until the following year when I said to myself… “That’s it, I’m done, goodbye to the lye”… and then started with the transitioning in January 2003. By June that year, I did the BC (Big Chop) started growing dreadlocks and never looked back. Four years later, this is what they looked like:

Ahhh… never felt so free, confident & HOT before!

Seven months after, after I had my 1st baby in 2007… another big chop, which I still regret to this day. It must’ve been the baby blues…I loved those locks. My hairstylist ko Mapawu hair salon screamed at me when he saw me after the chop; not only for choppin them off but also for not selling them to Talk about business-mindedness.

From there my hair was either in braids or plaits but I just knew that I’d never put the creamy crack on my hair again.

Then I fell preggies with my 2nd angel last year (2008) and this time around, my hair started falling off. I was literally bald at the back of my head & knew that shavin it all off was not an option (funny So it was back to relaxers (a cropped bob). 😦

Everyone kept complementing on how fabulous I looked, but I thought otherwise. My hair was weak, thin & continued falling off until I decided to cut it short, but like I said, I don’t look that good with very short or no hair, so I opted for a weaaaaaaaave…

I still can’t believe I paid R650.00 for that. Never again…I hope.
Not too shabby at all though. I looked good…I

And then it was braids, braids and more braids right through my maternity period. When I took them out…aahh, you can imagine that feeling I felt back in my dreadlock days:

Even better, my little nunu had arrived. What a beautiful creature God blessed me with. Bonus, she had a head full of hurrrrrrrr!lol

This was taken 2 nights ago. I’ve come too far huh…

I just love da kink in my hair. It’s versatile, beautiful and most importantly, healthy. I love the attention I get wherever I go. My hubby lllloves it. I like it when he runs his fingers through it. That’s why I wanna start her young:

Isn’t she just nunus? I plan to let her know every single day how beautiful she is. I was reading Chris Rocks interview about his movie “Good hair” and there’s a part where he says he was driving his daughter & her white friend in his car & heard his daughter going on about what beautiful hair her friend had. So he assured her daughter that her hair was just as beautiful. That made me think. I wanna make sure that my daughter grows up knowing how beautiful her natural hair is. What if she asks me to relax her hair when she grows up? I’ll cross that bridge when I get there but seriously doubt we’ll ever get to that.

So here are some of the styles I play around with:



Blow dried (a li'l frohawk)

Bantu knots

wash 'n go

and my personal favourite (both my mom & mother-in-law’s least favourite), a wash ‘n go:

Love it. Every natural gym bunny’s best

You gotta love our hair baby!! Stay tuned for more….

Feel free to comment & ask questions.

Comin right up… Nangi’s natural hair journey


10 Responses to “Matlhodi’s Natural Hair Journey….”

  1. frochic said

    Thank you so much girl.

  2. I know this is an old post, but your hair is beautiful and so is your daughter!

  3. Amma Mama said

    I love your blog, just saw it on bglh 🙂

  4. frochic said

    LOL…you just hit that subscribe button & you’ll be up-to-date on our new posts on different hairstyles posted here. Thanks for the compliments. Chopping is not an option. Once you find something that works for your hair, stick to it…even if it mean buying it in stacks. lol.

  5. Charlotte said

    Tlhodima! I love your pictures, moriri wa gago o godile. Thought of cutting my hair crosses my mind i don’t know how many times a day, but it’s all because i don’t have time for it now, ke o montsi thata , o a mphisa jo! Maar not again am i going for the BIG CHOP, the last time i did that i fell sick, literally, and whenever i saw someone with natural, my heart just ached, it’s hard to grow natural hair and i’ve come a long since 2006, so ke tlaa kgotlella, maar you must hook a sista up with nice hairstyles tsa ka mo Jozi.

  6. Momo said

    WoW! you look beautiful gal!

  7. frochic said

    Natural can be frustrating until you know what works for your hair type. The most important thing is moisturize…moisturize & more moisturize. Black natural hair tends to be drier that others, so you need to keep it well-nourished in order to be able to style it the way you like & enjoy the softness that come with it.

  8. Zandile said

    I’m insired gal but sometyms i get tired with them.But really i think im going that route,i like your enthusiasm with your hair and they really beautiful ,i like the one in black and white ,wow that one rocks i want mine to be like that one day.

    Your dreadlocks were big wow and beautiful gal,i think you look best with your natural hair.

    Keep it up and keep us posted with your newstyles.


  9. Gilly said

    keep it up sister i also dig ‘fro hair but i didnt have confidence ith my hair as it changes color when it gets big but i did apply sum tint but still after that i noticed one thing that my hair is not growing and a week ago i got rid of my hair and funny enough as i was sitting in front of the mirror at the salon my hair looked nice so i asked myself if i am dreaming or not but i decided to just take it off. This thing of buying kinds and kinds of hair products i dont like cause sum of them might not be good for one’s i am waiting for an advice as i am willing to grow my hair again:=(((((((((( never mind my sis dolly story!lol

  10. Julia Ratumedi said

    Wow! this is so wonderful “real hair, naturally beautiful”

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